Tool Journals, Newsletters, and Auction Listings

Allen, Hank, Ed. (1996). Tool shed treasury: An anthology of articles and stories 1978 - 1995: CRAFTS (collectors of rare and familiar tools society). Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.

American Woodworker.

APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology.  The Association for Preservation Technology International, 4513 Lincoln Ave., Suite 213, Lisle, IL 60532-1290.

The Anvil's Ring. ABANA, PO Box 816, Farmington, GA 30638-0816.

Carpenter. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.

  • The Davistown Museum has in the library the following copies.
  • June, 1928, XLVII(6). IS.
  • The Chronicle. Early American Industries Association (EAIA), Elton Hall, 167 Bakerville Rd., South Dartmouth, MA 02748-4198. IS. The Cultivator. (1852). Vol. IX. Luther Tucker, Albany, NY. IS. Blacksmith's Journal. PO Box 1699, Washington, MO 63090.

    Diecutting Diemaking Intelligence Newsletter. DDIN International.

    Fine Tool Journal. Antique & Collectible Tools, Inc., 27 Fickett Rd., Pownal, ME 04069. IS. Fine WoodWorking. The Taunton Press, Inc., Taunton Lake Road, Newtown, CT 06470. The Gristmill. Midwest Tool Collector's Association. Hammer's Blow. ABANA, PO Box 816, Farmington, GA 30638-0816.

    MVWC Newsletter. Missouri Valley Wrench Club, Newsletter Editor, 659 E. 9th, York, NE 68467-3109.

    Muzzle Blasts. Maxine Moss Drive, Friendship, IN 47021.

    Muzzleloading and Traditional Living Magazine. 82 Little Houston Brook Rd., Concord Twp., Maine 04920.

    Nautical Research Journal. Published Quarterly by the Nautical Research Guild, 19 Pleasant Street, Everett, MA 02149.

    The Pine Tree Shilling: Opening a Window on Life in the American Colonies - 1650-1780. 507 Meany Rd., PO Box 1005, Charlestown, NH 03603-1005. Plane Talk: The Quarterly Journal of Plane Collecting and Research. PO Box 338, Morristown, NJ 07963-0338. Published by the Astragal Press.

    Popular Woodworking.

    Rural Heritage. 281 Dean Ridge Lane, Gainesboro, TN 38562.

    Shavings. Newsletter of the Early American Industries Association, Inc. 1402 Hickman Bluff Rd., Lavaca, Arkansas 72941. Sign of the JOINTER: The Quarterly Journal of Antique Wooden Planes. 6211 Elmgrove Rd., Spring, TX 77389. IS. The Spinning Wheel Sleuth. PO Box 422, Andover, MA 01810, 978 475-8790. Stanley Tool Collector News. Published 3 times a year by The Tool Merchant, 208 Front St., Marietta, OH 45750. Technology and Culture. The International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. Tool Chest. Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia, PO Box 1163, Carlton, Victoria, Australia 3053. Tool Collectors' Picture Book. Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long Island, NY. Tool Talk. PAST (Preserving Arts and Skills of the Trades), 1445 Fourth St., Berkeley, CA 94710-1335 Tool Talks. Stanley Tools, New Britain, CT.

    Tools & Technology: The Newsletter of the American Precision Museum. Windsor, VT 05089. IS.

    Tools and Trades. The Journal of the Tool and Trades History Society, The Membership Secretary, Woodbine Cottage, Budleigh Hill, East Budleigh, Devon EX9 7DT, United Kingdom. The Tool Shed. Journal of the Collectors of Rare And Familiar Tools Society (CRAFTS), 38 Colony Court, Murray Hill, NJ 07974.

    Woodworker: The Magazine for the Craftsman in Wood.

    Woodworker's Journal: The Voice of the Woodworking Community.

    Woodworkers Library. Linden Publishing, 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721.

    Woodworking Magazine.

    Working Wood: The Quarterly Journal for the Craftsman Working in Wood. Quailcraft Publishing Co., Ltd., Aldershot, Hants, England.

    Ye Olde Tool Chest. Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Tool Collectors. 24575 Butler Rd., Elmira, Oregon 97437.

    Auction Listing Catalogs
    Auction catalogs are a particularly useful source of information on antiquarian tools and their value, especially if illustrated. The following listing is under construction and includes only a few of the catalogs in the Davistown Museum collection. One of the best sources of tools on the web are auctions.

    Baxter Auction Gallery, Indianapolis, IN:

    David Stanley Auctions, Stordon Grange, Osgathorpe, Loughborough, UK. Special collective sale by auction of quality antique woodworking & allied trades tools.

    Fine Tool Journal: FTJ Absentee Auction and Brown Auction Services,

    Horst Auction Center, Ephrata, PA:

    Johnny King Auctioneers, Ware Shoals, SC:

    Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools. The Catalogue of Antique Tools: The World's Premier Antique Hand Tool Value Guide. Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools, PO Box 281, Bath, New York. (800) 869-0695. IS.

    Richard A. Bourne, Co., Inc., Corporation Street, Hyannis, MA:

    Tony Murland: International Tool Auction catalog of items: England:

    Toolshop International Auction Catalogues.78 High Street, Needham Market, Suffolk, IP6 8AW, England. Your Country Auctioneer: