Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes
Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and others
by Samuel Purchas
Volume XIX
James MacLehose and Sons
Publishers to the University

Description of Mawooshen
A.D. 1623

The following is a transcription from this text, pg. 400 - 406.  The text contains notes in the margins, these are also included in italics, as they are in the original.

The description of the Countrey of Mawooshen,
discovered by the English in the yeere 1602.
3. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9.
This descrip-
tion of
Mawooshen I 
had amongst
M. Hakluyts
Climate and
are said to be
the same with
the Souriquois.
[IV. x.
A great Lake.
MAwooshen is a Countrey lying to the North and by
East of Virginia, betweene the degrees of 43. and
45.  It is fortie leagues broad, and fiftie in length, lying
in breadth East and West, and in length North and South.
It is bordered on the East side with a Countrey, the
people, whereof they call Tarrantines: on the West with
Epistoman, on the North with a great Wood called
Senaglecounc, and on the South with the mayne Ocean
Sea, and many Ilands.

In Mawooshen it seemeth there are nine Rivers,
whereof the first to the East is called Quibiquesson; on
which there is one Towne, wherein dwell two Sagamos
or Lords, the one called Asticon, the other Abermot.  In
this Towne are fiftie houses, and 150. men.  The name
of which Towne is Precante; this River runneth farre
up into the Mayne, at the head thereof there is a
Lake of great length and breadth; it is at the fall
into the Sea tenne fathoms deepe, and halfe a mile


A great Lake.


Three townes.


The next is Pemaquid, a goodly River and very com-
modious all things considered; it is ten fathoms water
at the entrance, and fortie miles up there are two fathoms
and a halfe at low water; it is halfe a mile broad, and
runneth into the Land North many daies journey: where
is a great Lake of 18. leagues long and foure broad.  In
this Lake are seven great Ilands: toward the farthest
end there falleth in a River, which they call Acaconstomed,
where they passe with  their Boates thirtie daies journey
up, and from thence they goe over Land twentie daies
journey more, and then come to another River, where
they have a trade with Anadabis or Anadabiion, with
whom the Frenchmen have had commerce for a long time.
Neere to the North of this River of Pemaquid are three
Townes: the first is Upsegon, where Bashabes their
chiefe Lord doth dwell.  And in this Towne are sixtie
houses, and 250. men, it is three daies journey within
the Land.  The second is Caiocame; the third Shas-
heekeing.  These two last Townes are opposite one to
the other, the River dividing them both, and they are 
two daies journey from the Towne of Bashabes.  In
Caiocame dwelleth Maiesquis, and in Shasheokeing
Bowant, two Sagamos, subjects to Bashabes.  Upon both
sides of this River up to the very Lake, for a good
distance the ground is plaine, without Trees or Bushes,
but full of long Grasse, like unto a pleasant meadow,
which the Inhabitants doe burne once a yeere to have
fresh feed for their Deere.  Beyond this Meadow are
great Woods, whereof more shall be spoken hereafter.
The River of Pemaquid is foure dayes journey from the 
mouth of Quibiquesson.

Panobscot a

The third River is called Ramassoc, and is distant from
the mouth of Pemaquid foure daies journey; it is twentie
fathoms at the entrance, and hath a mile over; it runneth
into the Land three daies journey, and within lesse then
a daies journey of the dwelling of Bashabes: upon this
River there is a towne named Panobscot, the Lord
whereof is called Sibatahood; who hath in his Town
fiftie houses, and eightie men.
The fourth River Apanawapeske, lying West and by
South of Ramassoc, at the entrance whereof there is
twentie fathoms water, and it is a mile broad: it runneth
up into the Countrey five daies journey; and within
three daies of the mouth are two Townes, the one called
Meecombe, where dwelleth Aramasoga, who hath in his 
Towne fiftie houses, and eightie men.  The other is
Chebegnadose, whose Lord is Skanke, and hath thirtie
houses and ninetie men.  The mouth of Apanawapeske
is distant from Ramassoc three daies journey.

A Lake.
Another Lake.

All the Lakes
full of Fish,
Beeves, and
sweet Rats.

To the South-west foure daies journey, there is another
excellent River; in the entrance whereof is twentie
fathoms water, and it is a quarter of a mile broad, it
runneth into the Land two daies journey, and then there
is a great fall, at the head whereof there is a Lake of a
daies journey long and as much in breadth.  On the
side of this Lake there is a Strait, and at the end of that
Strait there is another Lake of foure daies journey long,
and two daies journey broad; wherin there are two Ilands,
one at the one end, and another at the other end.  I
should have told you that both these Lakes, as also the
rest formerly spoken of, doe infinitely abound with fresh
water fish of all sorts, as also with divers sorts of Creatures,
as Otters, Beeves, sweete Rats, and such like.
The sixt River is called Apponick, on which there are
three Townes; the first is called Appisham, where dwelleth
Abochigishic.  The second is Mesaqueegamic, where
dwelleth Aminquin, in which there is seventie houses
and eightie men; the third is Matammiscowte, in which
are eightie houses and ninetie men, and there dwelleth
To the Westward of this there is another River called
Aponeg: it hath at the entrance ten fathoms water, and
is a mile broad: it runneth up into a great Sound of 
fresh water.  Upon the East side of this River there are
two Townes, the one called Nebamocago, the other called
Asshawe.  In the first dwelleth Mentaurmet, and hath
in his Towne 160. housholds, and some 300. men.  In
the second dwelleth Hamerhaw, and hath in his Towne
eightie housholds and seventie men.  On the West side
there is another Towne called Neredoshan, where are 120.
housholds, and 100. men.  There is a Sagamo or Lord
called Sabenaw.
Here C. Pop-
ham built S.
Georges Fort,
and planted.
Great Sound.

Two Lakes.

[IV. x. 
A great Iland.


Three daies journey from Aponeg to the Westward, 
there is a goodly River called Sagadohoc: the entrance
whereof is a mile and an halfe over, holding that breadth
a daies journey, and then it maketh a great Sound of
three daies journey broad: in which Sound are six Ilands,
foure great and full of Woods, and two lesse without
Woods: The greater are called Sowaghcoc, Neguiwo,
Niewoc.  And in the verie entrance of this River there
is another small Iland: from the West of which Iland
to the Maine, there is a Sand that maketh as it were a
bar, so that that way is not passable for shipping: but
to the Eastward there is two fathoms water.  This Sound
divideth it selfe into two branches or armes, the one
running North-east twentie foure daies journey, the other
North-west thirtie daies journey into the Maine: At the 
heads whereof there are two Lakes, the Westermost being
eight daies journey long, and foure daies journey broad;
and the Eastermost foure daies journey long, and two
daies broad.  The River of Aponeg runneth up into this
Sound, and so maketh as it were a great Iland between
Sagadahoc and it.  From the Iland upward the water is
fresh, abounding in Salmons, and other fresh-water fish.
Some thirteene or fourteen daies journey from the entrance
in the North-east branch, there is a little arme of a River
that runneth East some daies journey, which hath at the
entrance foure fathoms water.  Upon this arme there is
one over fall, which standeth halfe a daies journey above
this branch: upon this arme there are foure Towns:
The first is called Kenebeke, which hath eightie houses,
and one hundred men.  The Lord whereof is Apom-
hamen.  The second is Ketangheanycke, and the Sagamos
name is Octoworthe, who hath in his Towne ninetie
housholds, and three hundred and thirtie men.  This
Towne is foure dayes journey from Kenebeke, and eight
dayes journey from           To the Northward is the 
third Towne, which they call Naragooc; where there
are fiftie housholds, and one hundred and fiftie men.  The 
chiefe Sagamo of that place is Cocockohamas.  And on
the small branch that runneth East standeth the fourth
Towne, named by Massakiga; where there are but eight
housholds, and fortie men.  Upon the Northwest branch
of this Sound stand two Townes more: The first is called
Amereangan, and is distant from Kenebeke sixe dayes
journey.  In this place are ninetie housholdes, and two
hundred and sixtie men, with two Sagamoes; the one
called Sasuoa, the other Scawas.  Seven daies journey
hence there is another Sagamo, whose name is Octo-
worokin, and his Townes name Namercante, wherein are
fortie housholds, and one hundred and twentie men.  A
dayes journey above Namercante there is a downefall,
where they cannot passe with their Cannoes, but are
inforced to carrie them by Land for the space of a quarter
of a mile, and then they put them into the River againe:
And twelve dayes journey above this Downfall there is
another, where they carrie their Boates as at the first;
and sixe dayes journey more to the North is the head
of this River, where is the Lake that is of eight dayes
journey long, and foure dayes broad before mentioned.
In this Lake there is one Iland; and three dayes
journey from this Lake there is a Towne which is called
Buccawganecants, wherein are threescore housholds, and
foure hundred men: And the Sagamo thereof is called
Baccatusshe.  This man and his people are subjects to
the Bashabez of Mawooshen, and in his Countrey is the
farthest limit of his Dominion, where he hath any that
doe him homage.
To the Westward of Sagadahoc, foure dayes journey
there is another River called Ashamahaga, which hath
at the entrance sixe fathoms water, and is halfe a quarter
of a mile broad: it runneth into the Land two dayes
journey: and on the East side there is one Towne called
Agnagebcoc, wherein are seventie houses, and two hundred
and fortie men, with two Sagamos, the one called
Maurmet, the other Casherokenit.

A Lake foure
dayes journey
long & 2.

Seven dayes journey to the South-west of Ashamahaga
there is another River, that is sixe fathoms to the entrance:
This River is named Shawakotoc, and is halfe a myle
broad; it runneth into the Land fiftie dayes journey: but
foure dayes from the entrance it is so narrow, that the
Trees growing on each side doe so crosse with their
boughes and bodies on the other, as it permitteth not
any meanes to passe with Boates that way: for which
cause the Inhabitants that on any occasion are to travell
to the head, are forced to goe by Land, taking their way
upon the West side.  At the end of this River there is
a Lake of foure dayes journey long, and two dayes broad,
wherein are two Ilands.  To the North-West foure daies
journey from this Lake, at the head of this River
Shawakatoc there is a small Province, which they call
Crokemago, wherein is one Towne.  This is the
Westermost River of the Dominions of Basshabez, and
Quibiquisson the Westermost.