Douglas Axe Manufacturing Co.
E. Douglas, Massachusetts

Tool Types

Adzes, Axes, Hoes, Knives, Picks

Directory of American Toolmakers Information

Information surrounding this company is cloudy and contested at best owing to the "Hunt" references on the tool markings. Theories include that Warren Hunt was a founder and major stockholder or that Hunt was an axe maker who was bought out by Douglas Co. A Canadian subsidiary running from 1866 to 1885 had the same name until sold to E. Broad & Sons. Their business address was in Boston by 1870, but had other factories stamping HOWE, NEWSHOPS, LOVET WORKS, UPPER WORKS, GILBOA and EAST PLANT on tools. Other brand names used include E. MOORE, L. STONE, D. SHARP and L. QUIN, all company employees.

Identifying Marks

Variations of the maker's name, "W.HUNT" or "WHUNT&CO.," one of the cities and/or "CAST STEEL WARRANTED"

General Information



Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association. 
