Davistown Museum Inventory of Tools Christopher Prince Drew Tools

Status Location
33002T7A Cat's paw DTM TT
Drop-forged steel, 10 1/2" long, signed "C. Drew & Co.".
31112T24 Cat's paw pry bar bio DTM MH3-D2
Drop-forged steel, 12" long, 1/2" wide, signed "Drew No. 12".
Courtesy of Liberty Tool Co.
31112T20 Flathead screwdriver bio DTM MH3-D2
Drop-forged steel, plastic handle, 9" long, 3/4" wide blade, signed "C. DREW & CO.".
Courtesy of Liberty Tool Co.
121112T8 Mason's joint filler bio DTM MH
Drop-forged iron, 10 1/4" long, 1/2" and 5/8" wide curved beaders, signed "C Drew & Co.".
111116T1 Tack and nail puller bio DTM TT
Cast iron, 9" long, 1 1/2" wide, 1" thick, signed "C. DREW & CO. MALLEABLE".
Woodworking: Planes
21315T1 Gutter plane bio DA TT (Pub)
Wood (beech), cast steel, 2" edge, 16" long, 6" tall, 2 3/8" wide, signed "MOULSON BROTHERS WARRANTED CAST STEEL" (on
blade), "DREW WARRANTED" (on chip breaker).
913108T21 Crescent wrenches (4) bio DTM MH
Drop-forged steel, 7 1/4" long with 3/4" opening; 8" long with 1 1/4" opening; and two 9 1/4" long with 1 1/2" opening, signed "<- 3/4" C.
DREW & CO. 3/4" ->", "<-7 3/16"- DREW NO. 15 -1 1/4" ->", and two "1 7/16" DREW NO. 19 - 1 1/2"->", c. 1930.
These four wrenches are an uncommon product of this factory: Christopher Drew & Company, Kingston, MA, 1837 - 1937.
31112T25 Open ended wrench bio DTM MH3-D2
Drop-forged steel, 7 1/4" long, 1/2" wide, signed "3/4'' C. Drew & Co. 3/4''".
Courtesy of Liberty Tool Co.

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