Items available for Education Loans from The Davistown 19-May-
Incomplete trade ax 81411T1
5 1/4" long, 3 3/4" wide, 2" high photo photo
This is a half-finished trade ax with the piece of metal intended to become a forge-welded
edge attached but not yet hammered into shape.
SubCategor Woodworking: Boring Tools
Hub reamer auger 72013T2
18" long, 18" handle, 2" wide head
signed "---RSEVEW" (faded)
Hub reamer auger 72013T3
21 1/2" long, 14" handle, 3" wide head
SubCategor Woodworking: Edge Tools
Drawknife 72615T2
17 1/2" long, 10 3/4" edge, 4 1/2" handles
signed "FAXON"
The "FAXON" signature is very crude. The handles look newer than the rest of the tool and are
Drawknife 32412T2
14" long, 8 1/2" long blade
This drawknife is crudely welded together from a file and two separate pieces of steel. Courtesy
of Liberty Tool Co.
Socket chisel 81713T2
14" long, 2" long handle, 1 3/8" wide cutting edge
Socket firmer chisel 8312T4
9 3/4" long, 13/16" wide cutting edge
Socket framing chisel 8312T3
10" long, 1 7/8" wide cutting edge
Tang chisel 81713T4
11 1/2" long, 5 1/4" long handle, 1 1/2" wide cutting edge
SubCategor Woodworking: Planes

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