The Davistown Museum
Center for the Study of Early Tools
Scattered throughout The Davistown Museum are tools by important manufacturers who are also the subject of
information files compiled by the museum. This is a listing of our holdings for:
Peter Stubs Tools

Status Location
Historic Maritime II (1720-1800): The Second Colonial Dominion & the Early Republic
Measuring Tools
913108T17 Wire gauge bio photo DTM MH
Steel (possibly sheaf steel), 5" long, 1 1/8" wide, signed "STUBS".
Historic Maritime III (1800-1840): Boomtown Years & the Dawn of the Industrial
Blacksmith, Farrier, and Metalworking Tools
TCR1301 Hand vise bio DTM MH
Forged iron and steel, 4" long, signed "STUBS" also signed "K. MAIER".
This is another example of the fine quality imported tools of the Stubs Company in Lancashire, England. The signature K. Maier is probably
an owner's signature.
TCR1011 Hand vise bio DTM MH
Forged iron and steel, 4 1/2" long, 1 5/16" wide jaw, signed "P. S. STUBBS".
102800M10 Hand vise bio bio DTM MH
Forged iron and steel, 4 5/" long, 1 1/2" wide jaw, signed "P S Stubs" and by owner "W.F. Blake".
This was found in the machinists' tool box on display with the W. F. Blake tools. Peter Stubs was the prolific Lancashire file and toolmaker
(Dane 1973; Brack 2008).
62406T7 Hand vise bio DTM MH
Iron and forged steel, 6 1/2" long, 2 13/16" wide jaws, 3 3/8" long nut, signed with the characteristic P Stubs mark.
This is a highly unusual variation of a common hand vise due to an ornate forge-welded ram's horn nut.
22411T19 Shears bio DTM TT
Forged steel, 12" long with a 3" blade, signed "P S Stubs".
111001T31 Tin snips bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 5" long, 1 3/8" cutting blade, signed "P. S. Stubs".
This is another example of an imported English tool.
102100T14 Whitesmiths' shears bio DTM MH
Forged iron and steel, 14 1/2" long, 3" cutter, 3" stake extension, signed "P S STUBS".
This is an unusual adaptation of common shears to use in a whitesmiths' staking plate.
10700T4 Whitesmiths' shears bio DTM MH
Forged iron and steel, 14 1/2" long with a 3" long cutter, signed "P S STUBS".
These small whitesmith shears are fitted with a vertical 5/8" square leg for use in a stake plate.
22411T29 Triangular file bio DTM TT
Hand cut German or cast steel, 14 3/4" long, 12" x 13/16" cutting surface, signed "GENUINE" "P S STUBS" "ENGLAND".
Measuring Tools
81101T19 Adjustable calipers bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 5" long, signed "P. S. Stubs".
This finely cast caliper is another fine example of the Stubs empire of tool manufacturing.
101701T12 Calipers bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 6 5/8" long, signed "P. S. Stubbs".
This is a clear example of an English pattern that was later copied by American companies such as T. Stevens, Chicopee Falls, MA, 1844 -
1903. Also using the same pattern was the Boker Co., which DATM (Nelson 1999, 98) indicates was a German manufacturer exporting tools
in the 19th century. This tool is also marked with numerous stars -- probably an owner's mark. Stevens as well as Boker copied the English
style of adjustable calipers, which were originally European in origin. Did English toolmakers who emigrated from Sheffield bring this
prototype with them?

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