Native Americans in Maine
Table of Contents for the Annotated Bibliographies on Native Americans in Maine

Note each bibliography section is alphabetical and separate from the others.  Due to the lengthy annotations following many of the citations the traditional all inclusive bibliographic format has been modified and the bibliography subdivided into several sections.
  • Principal
  • Contemporary
  • Special Topics
  • Damariscotta Shell Middens
  • Indian Pandemic of 1617-1619
  • Pathways and Canoe Routes
  • Petroglyphs in Maine
  • Principal references
    For information on Native Americans outside of Maine, also check our Archaeology bibliography page.

    Avant, Joan Tavares. (2010). People of the first light. Self-Published. IS.

    Axtell, James. (1985). The invasion within: The contest of cultures in colonial North America. Oxford University Press, NY, NY. IS.

    Banks, Ronald R., Ed. (1969). A history of Maine:  A collection of readings on the history of Maine, 1600-1970. Third edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa. IS.

    Baker, Emerson W., Churchill, Edwin A., D'Abate, Richard S., Jones, Kristine L., Konrad, Victor A. and Prins, Harald E.L., Eds. (1994). American beginnings: Exploration, culture, and cartography in the land of Norumbega. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NB. IS and also W.

    Bartlett, Stanley Foss. (1937). Beyond the Sowdyhunk. Falmouth Book House, Portland, ME. IS.

    Baxter, James Phinney, Ed. (1884). Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine. 3 vols. Hoyt, Fogg, and Donham, Portland, ME. Reprinted in 1890 as The life and letters of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. Prince Society Publications, 18 - 20, Boston, MA.  Reprinted in 1967, NY.

    Baxter, James P. (1891). The campaign against the Pequakets. Maine Historical Society Collections 2. Series 2. pg. 353-371. X. Baxter, James Phinney. (1906). A memoir of Jacques Cartier: Sieur de Limoilou: His voyages to the St. Lawrence. A Bibliography and a facsimile of the manuscript of 1534 with annotations, etc. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, NY. Berkhofer, Robert. (1978). White Man's Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the present. Alfred A. Knopf, NY, NY. IS.

    Biggar, Henry P., Ed. (1911). The Precursors of Jacques Cartier, 1497-1534: A collection of documents relating to the early history of the dominion of Canada. Publications of the Public Archives of Canada, #5, Ottawa, Canada.

    Biggar, Henry P., Ed. (1922-1936). The works of Samuel de Champlain. 6 vols. Reprinted in 1971 by Toronto University Press, Toronto, Canada. X (partial xeroxed copy only).

    Biggar, Henry P. (1937). The early trading companies of New France: A contribution to the history of commerce and discovery in North America. University of Toronto Library, Toronto, Canada.

    Bourque, Bruce J. (1989). Ethnicity on the Maritime Peninsula, 1600-1759. Ethnohistory. 36(3). pg. 257-284. IS.

    Bourque, Bruce J. (1995). Diversity and complexity in prehistoric maritime societies: A Gulf of Maine perspective. Plenum Press, NY. IS. Bourque, Bruce J. (2001). Twelve thousand years: American Indians in Maine. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. IS. Bourque, Bruce J. and Cox, Steven L. (Fall 1981). Maine State Museum investigation of the Goddard site, 1979. Man in the Northeast. 22. pg. 3-27. IS. Bourque, Bruce J. and Whitehead, Ruth Holmes. (1985). Tarrentines and the introduction of European trade goods in the Gulf of Maine. Ethnohistory. 32(4). pg. 327-341. Bragdon, Kathleen J. (1996). Native people of southern New England, 1500 - 1650. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK. IS. Brasser, T.J. (1978). Early Indian European contacts. In: Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 15. Trigger, Bruce G., Ed., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

    Braun, Esther K. and Braun, David P. (1994). The first peoples of the Northeast. Moccasin Hill Press, Lincoln, MA. IS.

    Brereton,John. (1602). A brief and true relation of the discovery of the North Viriginia, etc. made this present year 1602, by Captain B. Gosnold, Capt. B. Gilbert, etc by the Permission of the Hon. Knight, Sir W. Raleigh. In MaHSC, 3rd series, vol 8, pgs. 83-123.

    Brockman, Mark E. and Georgiady, Jeffrey. (2005). Prehistoric lithic resources of the coastal volcanic belt, Washington County, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 45 (1). pg. 5-23. IS

    Burrage, Henry S., Ed. (1887). Rosier's relation of Weymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605. Gorges Society, Portland, ME.

    Burrage, Henry S., Ed. (1906). Original narratives of early English and French voyages 1534-1608. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY.  Also reprinted in 1930 as Early English and French voyages, chiefly from Hakluyt, 1534-1608. Reprinted in 1969. Burrage, Henry S. (1914). The beginnings of colonial Maine 1602-1658. Marks Printing House for the State of Maine, Portland, ME. Burrage, Henry S. (1923). Gorges and the grant of the Province of Maine, 1622. Printed for the state, Augusta, ME.

    Byers, Douglas S. (1959). The Eastern Archaic: Some problems and hypotheses. American Antiquity. 24. pg. 233-256. IS.

    Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, Sieur de. (1930). "Memoir on Acadia" [1692]. In W.F. Ganong, ed. "The Cadillac Memoir on Acadia of 1692.", Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society, no. 13, New Brunswick , Canada. pp 77-97.

    Calloway, Colin G., Ed. (1991). Dawnland Encounters: Indians and Europeans in northern New England. University Press of New England, Hanover, NH. IS.

    Campeau, Lucien. (1967). La premiere mission d'Acadie (1602 - 1616). Presses de l'Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada.

    Champlain, Samuel de. (1922). The works of Samuel de Champlain. Edited by H. H. Langdon and W. F. Ganong. 6 Vols. Champlain Society, Toronto, Canada.

    Charlevoix, Pierre F.X. de. (1900). History and genreal description of New France. 6 vols. F. P. Harper, New York.

    Cook, David S. (1999). Indian canoe routes of Maine. Covered Bridge Press, North Attleborough, MA. IS.

    Cronon, William. (1983). Changes in the land: Indians, colonists, and the ecology of New England. Hill and Wang, NY, NY. IS.

    Davies, James. (1880). Relation of a voyage to Sagadahoc, 1607 - 1608. American Journeys Collection. Document No. AJ-042. Reprinted in 2003 by Wisconsin Historical Society Digital Library and Archives. X. Day, Gordon M. (1962). English-Indian contacts in New England. Ethnohistory. 9(1). pg. 24-40. X. Day, Gordon M. (1981). The identity of the Saint Francis Indians. Canadian Ethnology Service Paper no. 71. National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Ottawa, Canada. pg. 237-247. Day, Gordon M. (1995). Western Abenaki dictionary. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, Canada.

    Day, Gordon M. (1998). In search of New England's Native past: Selected essays by Gordon M. Day. Foster, Michael K. and Cowan, William, Eds. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. IS.

    DeCosta, Benjamin F., Ed. (1880). The Sagadahoc Colony. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 18. pg. 82-117. DeCosta, Benjamin F. (1884). Norumbega and its English explorers. In: Winsor, Justin, Ed. Narrative and critical history of America. Vol 3. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, MA. IS. Denys, Nicolas. (1908). The description and natural history of the coasts of North America (Acadia) [1672]. Edited and translated by W.F. Ganong. The Champlain Society, Toronto, Canada.

    Druillettes, Gabriel. (1857). Narritive of a voyage, made for the Abenaquiois mission, and information acquired of New England and dispositions of the Magistrates of that republic for assistance against the Iroquois. The whole by me, Gabriel Druillettes, of the Society of Jesus, translated and edited by John Gilmary Shea. Collections of the New York Historical Society, 2nd series, vol. 3, part 2, New York, NY. pg. 309-320.

    Dunton, A.F. (1920?). In redskin days: a chapter from the early history of Barrett’s Pond, now Hope. Paper presented to Hope Grange #299, included in History of Hope, Maine by Anna Simpson Hardy. pg. 200, 203-4. IS

    Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy. (1945). Old John Neptune and other Maine Indian shamans. The Southworth-Anthoensen Press, Portland, ME. A Marsh Island reprint in 1980, University of Maine at Orono, Orono, ME. IS(2).

    Erickson, Vincent O. (1978). Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. In: Handbook of North American Indians: Northeast. Vol 15. Trigger, Bruce G. Ed., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. pg. 123-136. X. Fitzhugh, William W., Ed. (1985). Cultures in contact: The impact of European contacts on Native American cultural institutions A.D. 1000 - 1800. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. IS. Ganong, William Francis. (1917). The origin of the place-names Acadia and Norumbega. Proceedings and Transactions. Royal Society of Canada, 3rd series, XXXI, ii. pg. 105-119. X. Ganong, William F. (1933). "Crucial Maps in the early cartography and place nomenclature of the Atlantic coast of Canada. V: The Compiled , or Composite Maps of 1526-1600". Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series 3, vol. 27, sect 2, pp. 149-195. Ottawa, Canada.

    Gorges, Ferdinando. (1658). A briefe narration of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into the parts of America. Especially showing the beginning, progress and continuence of that of New England. E. Brudenell for Nath. Brook., London, England. Reprinted in 1890 by Publications of the Prince Society, Boston, MA. W.

    Grant, W.L., Ed. (1907). Voyages of Samuel de Champlain: 1604 - 1616. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY. Greene, Francis B. (1906). History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine 1623 - 1905 with family genealogies. Loring, Short and Harmon, Portland, ME. IS. Hakluyt, Richard. (1582). Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America. London. Facsimile reprint in 1967 by Theatrum Orbis Terraram, Amsterdam.

    Hakluyt, Richard. (1589-1601). The principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation. George Bishop and Ralph Newberrie, London, England.

    Hakluyt, Richard. (1877). A discourse concerning western planting: Written in the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt; now first printed from a contemporary manuscript, with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, Ed., with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane. Press of J. Wilson, Cambridge, MA.

    Hardy, Kerry. (2006). Personal communications. Director of Merryspring Park, Camden, ME.

    Hardy, Kerry. (2009). Notes on a lost flute: A field guide to the Wabanaki. Down East Books, Camden, ME. IS.

    Hoffman, Bernard G. (November 1955). Souriquois, Etechemin, and Kwedech -- a lost chapter in American ethnography. Ethnohistory. pg. 65-87.

    Hubbard, William. (1677). The present state of New-England: Being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England from Pascataqua to Pemmaquid. London. Facsimile reproduction with introduction by Cecelia Tichi in 1972, York Mail-Print, Bainbridge, NY.

    Hubbard, William. (1865). The history of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first settlement to the termination of the war with King Phillip 1677. (Originally published in 1680?) 2 vols. Dranke, S.G., Ed., W. Eliot Woodward, Roxbury, MA.

    Innis, Harold A. (1962). The fur trade in Canada. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

    Island Institute. (November 2004). One Land - Two Worlds: Maine. Mawooshen 1605-2005: The 400th Anniversary of George Waymouth's Voayage to New England. Rockland, Maine. IS.

    Jennings, Francis. (1975). The invasion of America: Indians, colonialism and the cant of conquest. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC. IS.

    Johnston, John. (1873). A history of Bristol and Bremen. Joel Munsell, Albany, NY. Josephy, Alvin M. Jr. (1991). The Indian heritage of America. The American Heritage Library. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. IS.

    Judd, Richard W., Churchill, Edwin A. and Eastman, Joel, W. Eds.  (1995).  Maine:  The pine tree state from prehistory to the present. University of Maine Press, Orono, ME. IS.

    Kimball, Kessi Waters. (Fall 2011). From earth to hearth: A ceramic analysis of the Ewing-Bragdon site collection. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 51(2). pg. 29-51. IS.

    Kimball, Michael J. (Spring 2011). Saving Skwaasutek: Collaborations on the investigation and protection of Washington County’s endangered rock art. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 51(1). pg. 13-28. IS.

    Leach, Douglas Edward. (1958). Flintlock and tomahawk: New England in King Philip's War. The Norton Library, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, NY. IS.

    Lepore, Jill. (1998). The name of war: King Philip's War and the origins of American identity. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., NY, NY. IS.

    Lescarbot, Marc. (1609). Les Muses de la Nouvelle France: à Monseigneur le Chancellier. Chez Jean Millot, Paris.

    Lescarbot, Marc. (1609). Nova Francia: A description of Acadia, 1606. P. Erondelle, tr. London. Reprinted in 1928 by Routledge, London.

    Lescarbot, Marc. (1911-1914). The history of New France (1609-1612). 3 vols. The Champlain Society, Toronto, Canada.

    Lescarbot, Marc. (1974). The defeat of the Armouchiquois savages by Chief Membertou and his savage allies. Translated by Thomas Goetz. In: Papers of the sixth Algonquian conference, Cowan, William, Ed. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. pg. 141-179.

    Levett, Christopher. (1847). Voyage into New England, begun in 1623, and ended in 1624. (1628). Collections of Maine Historical Society (CMeHS), 1st series, vol. 2, Portland, Maine. pg. 73-110.

    Locke, John L. (1859). Sketches of the history of the town of Camden, Maine; including incidental references to the neighboring places and adjacent waters. Masters, Smith and Co., Hallowell, ME. IS.

    Maine Indian Program. (1989). The Wabanakis of Maine and the Maritimes: A resource book about Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Maliseet, Micmac and Abenaki Indians. Maine Indian Program of the New England Regional Office of the American Friends Service Committee, Bath, ME. IS.

    McBride, Bunny. (1999). Women of the dawn. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NB. IS.

    McBride, Bunny and Prins, Harald E. L. (2009). Indians in Eden: Wabanakis and rusticators on Maine's Mount Desert Island, 1840s-1920s. Down East Books, Camden, ME. IS.

    Miller, Virginia. (Spring 1976). Aboriginal Micmac population: A review of the evidence. Ethnohistory. 23(2). pg. 117-127. IS.

    Mitchell, Harbour, III and Spiess, Arthur E. (Spring 2002). Early archaic bifurcate base point occupation in the St. George River valley. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 42(1). pg. 15-24. IS. Moorehead, Warren K. (1922). A report on the archeology of Maine: Being a narrative of explorations in that state, 1912-1920, together with work at Lake Champlain, 1917. Department of Anthropology, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA. IS. Morey, David C. (May 2005). The Voyage of Archangell: James Rosier's Account of the Waymouth Voyage of 1605 - A True Relation. Tilbury House, Publishers, Gardiner, Maine. IS. Morison, Samuel Eliot, Ed. (1963). Of Plymouth Plantation: 1620 - 1647 by William Bradford: A new edition. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY. IS. Morison, Samuel Eliot. (1971). The European discovery of America: The northern voyages A.D. 500-1600. Oxford University Press, NY. IS. Morris, Gerald E., Ed. (1976). Maine bicentennial atlas: An historical survey. The Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME. IS. Morrison, Kenneth M. (1984). The embattled northeast: The elusive ideal of alliance in Abenaki-Euramerican relations. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Nicolar, Joseph. (1893).  The life and traditions of the red man. C.H. Glass, Printers, Bangor, ME. W.

    Parkman, Francis. (1865). France and England in North America: Volume 1: Pioneers of France in the New World; The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; The Old Regime in Canada. The Library of America, New York, NY. Reprint in 1983 of the first four volumes of what was originally an 8 volume set. IS.

    Penhallow, Samuel. (1726). The history of the wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or a narrative of their continued perfidy and cruelty, from the 10th of August 1703, to the peace renewed 13th of July, 1713. And from the 25th of July, 1722, to their submission 15th December, 1725, which was ratified August 5th, 1726. Boston Edition.  Reprinted in 1859 with a memoir, notes and appendix for Wm. Dodge by J. Harpel, corner Third & Vine Sts., Cincinnati, OH. Petersen, James B., Blustain, Malinda and Bradley, James W. (2004). "Mawooshen" revisited: Two Native American contact period sites on the central Maine coast. Archaeology of Eastern North America. 32. pg. 1-71. IS.

    Platt, D. Ed. (2005). One land - two worlds: A symposium to celebrate the 400th anniversary of George Waymouth's voyage to New England. Island Institue, Rockland, ME.

    Prins, Harald. (Fall 1992). Cornfields at Meductic: Ethnic and territorial reconfigurations in colonial Acadia. Man in the Northeast. 44. pg. 55-72. IS.

    Prins, Harald. (1996). Chief Rawandagon, alias Robin Hood: Native "Lord of misrule" in the Maine wilderness. IN: Grumet, Robert S., Ed. (1996). Northeastern Indian lives, 1632 - 1816. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. W. Prins, Harald. (1996). The Mi'kmaq: Resistance, accommodation, and cultural survival. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Fort Worth, TX. IS.

    Prins, Harald E. L. and McBride, Bunny. (2007). Asticou's island domain: Wabanaki peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000. Vols. 1 and 2. Acadia National Park and The Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor, ME. X.

    Purchas, S. (1625). The description of the countrey of Mawooshen, discovered by the English in the Yeere 1602. and 9. In: Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his pilgrims. Vol 4. Henry Fetherston, London.

    Quinn, David Beers. (1977). North America from earliest discovery to first settlements: The Norse voyages to 1612. Harper and Row, NY, NY. Quinn, David Beers. (1990). Explorers and colonies: America, 1500-1625. Hambledon Press, London. Quinn, David Beers. (1995). The early cartography of Maine in the setting of early European exploration of New England and the Maritimes. In: American beginnings: Exploration, culture, and cartography in the land of Norumbega. Baker Emerson W. et al. Eds. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NB.

    Quinn, David Beers and Skelton, R.A. (1965). Richard Hakluyt, the principall navigations (1589). 2 vols. Hakluyt Society, Extra Series 39.

    Quinn, David Beers, Quinn, Alison M. and Hillier, Susan, Eds. (1974). England and the discovery of America, 1481 - 1620. In: New American world: A documentary history of North America to 1612. 5 vols. Arno Press, NY, NY.

    Quinn, David Beers and Quinn, Alison M., Eds. (1983). The English New England voyages, 1602-1608. 2nd series, no. 161. Hakluyt Society, London.

    Rasle, Father Sebastien. (1833). A dictionary of the Abenaki language in North America, [1690-1722] with an introductory memoir and notes. In: Pickering, John, Ed. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. pg. 375-565.

    Ray, Roger B. and Faulkner, Gretchen F. Ed. (1994). The Indians of Maine: A bibliographic guide: fourth edition. The Maine Historical Society, Augusta, ME.

    Robbins, Maurice. (1980). Wapanucket: an archaeological report. The Massachusetts Archaeological Society, Attleboro, MA. IS.

    Rolde, Neil. (2004). Unsettled past unsettled future: The story of Maine Indians. Tilbury House Publishers, Gardiner, ME. IS.

    Rosier, James. (1605). A true relation of the voyage of Captaine George Waymouth. Reprinted in Burrage, Henry, S. Ed. (1930). Early English and French voyages chiefly from Hakluyt 1534-1608. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY. Rosier, James. (1843). A true relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present year, 1605, by Captain George Waymouth on the discovery of the land of Virginia. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. 3rd series. 8. Boston. pg. 125-127. Russell, Howard S. (1980). Indian New England before the Mayflower. University Press of New England, Hanover, NH. IS. Salisbury, Neal. (1982). Manitou and Providence: Indians, Europeans, and the making of New England, 1500-1643. Oxford University Press, NY, NY. IS. Sanger, David, Ed. (1979). Discovering Maine's archaeological heritage. Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Augusta, ME. IS(2). Sanger, David. (Fall 2000). "Red Paint People" and other myths of Maine archaeology. Maine History. 39(3). pg. 145-167. IS. Schultz, Eric B. and Tougias, Michael J. (1999). King Philip's War: The history and legacy of America's forgotten conflict. The Countryman Press, Woodstock, VT. IS.

    Sewall, Rufus King. (1859). Ancient dominions of Maine. Elisha Clark and Company, Bath, ME. IS.

    Siebert, Frank T. Jr. (1973). The identity of the Tarrentines, with an etymology. Studies in Linguistics. 23. pg. 69-76. IS. Smith, John. (1616). A Description of New England: Or the observations, and discoueries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of the Country) in the north of America, in the year of our Lord 1614: With the success of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre: With the proofe of the present benefit this Countrey affoords: Whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall. Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke, London. X. Smith, John. (1837). A description of New-England. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 3rd series, 6. pg. 103-140. Snow, Dean R. (1968). Wabanaki "family hunting territories". American Anthropologist. New series. 70. pg. 1143-1151. IS. Snow, Dean R. (1976). The Abenaki fur trade in the sixteenth century. The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology. 6(1). pg. 3-11. IS. Snow, Dean R. (1976). The archaeology of North America: American Indians and their origins. Thames and Hudson, London. IS.

    Snow, Dean R. (1976). The ethnohistoric baseline of the eastern Abenaki. Ethnohistory 23(3). pg. 291-306.

    Snow, Dean R. (1978). Eastern Abenaki. In: Trigger, Bruce G., Volume Ed. Volume 15, Northeast. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Sturtevant, William C., Ed., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Snow, Dean R. (1980). The archaeology of New England. Academic Press, NY. IS. Soctomah, Donald. (2005). A Wabanaki perspective. In: A symposium to celebrate one land - two worlds: Maine Mawooshen 1605 - 2005: The 400th anniversary of George Waymouth's voyage to New England. Island Institute, Rockland, ME. IS. Speck, Frank G. (1928). Wawenock myth texts from Maine. 43rd Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, DC. pg. 180-181, 186. IS. Speck, Frank G. (1940). Penobscot man: The life history of a forest tribe in Maine. University of Pennsylvania Press. Reprinted in 1998 by The University of Maine Press, Orono, ME. IS. Spiess, Arthur E. and Cranmer, Leon. (Fall 2001). Native American occupations at Pemaquid: Review and results. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 41(2). pg. 1 - 25). IS. Sturtevant, William C., Ed. (1978). Handbook of North American Indians. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Sullivan, James. (1804). The history of the Penobscot Indians.Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1st series, 9. pg. 207-232.

    Swanton, John R. (1952). The Indian tribes of north America. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of MAerican Ethnology Bulletin 145. United States Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

    Thayer, Henry O., Ed. (1892). The Sagadahock colony, comprising the relation of a voyage into New England. The Gorges Society, Portland, ME.

    Thwaites, Reuben Gold, Ed. (1896-1901). The Jesuit relations and allied documents: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France 1610-1791. 73 vols. Burrows Brothers, Cleveland, OH. Reprinted in 1959 by Pagent Books, NY, NY. X.

    Trigger, Bruce G., Volume Ed. (1978). Volume 15, Northeast. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Sturtevant, William C., Ed., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Trudel, Marcel. (1973).  The beginnings of New France, 1524-1663. McClelland and Stewart, Ltd., Toronto, Canada.

    Tuck, James A. (1971). An archaic cemetery at Port au Choix, Newfoundland. American Antiquity. 36(3). pg. 343-358.

    Tuck, James A. (1975). The northeast maritime continuum: 8000 years of cultural development in the far northeast. Arctic Anthropology. 12(2). pg. 139-147. Watson, Lawrence W. (1907). The origins of the Melicities.Journal of American Folk-Lore. 20. pg. 160-162.

    Wilbur, C. Keith. (1978). The New England Indians: An illustrated sourcebook of authentic details of everyday Indian life. Globe Pequot Press, Chester, CT. IS.

    Willey, Gordon R. (1966). An introduction to American archaeology, I: North and middle America. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. IS.

    Williams, Roger. (1643). A key into the language of America. Reprinted in 2004, Dennis Cerrotti, Ed., Sea Venture Press, Brookline, MA. IS.

    Williamson, William D.  (1832). The history of the state of Maine; from its first discovery, A. D. 1602, to the separation, A. D. 1820, inclusive, Volume I and II.  Glazier, Masters & Co., Hallowell, ME. Reprinted by The Cumberland Press, Inc., Freeport, ME. IS.

    Willoughby, Charles C. (1935). Antiquities of the New England Indians with notes on the ancient cultures of the adjacent territory. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Reprinted in 1973 by AMS Press, Inc., NY, NY. IS.

    Willoughby, Charles C. (nd). Indian antiquities of the Kennebec valley. The Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Augusta, ME. IS.

    Wilson, Margaret Jerram. ( 2007). Norumbega navigators: Early English voyages to New England and the story of the Popham Colony. Wilson Publications, Bath, England. IS.

    Winship, George Parker, Ed. (1905). Sailors' narratives of voyages along the New England coast, 1524-1624. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.

    Wiseman, Frederick M. (2001). The voice of the dawn: An autohistory of the Abenaki Nation. University Press of New England, Hanover, NH. IS.

    Wood, William. (1634). New England's prospect. Thomas Cotes for John Bellamie. Reprinted in 1865, Deane, Charles Ed. Publications of the Prince Society, 1. Boston, MA. Reprinted in 1967, NY.

    Wormington, H. M. (1956). Prehistoric Indians of the southwest. The Denver Museum of Natural History, Denver, CO. IS.