The Mast Trade
We also suggest you check under loggers and sawyers in the toolmaking trades bibliography.
Additionally, we have an information file on lumbering in Maine.

Albion, Robert G. (1926). Forests and sea power: The timber problem of the Royal Navy 1652-1862. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Reprinted in 2000 by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. IS.

Crowe, Mike. (February 2003). All shook up. Fishermen's Voice. pg. 1, 6-7. IS.

Barry, William David and Peabody, Frances W. (1982). Tate House: Crown of the Maine mast trade. National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Maine, Portland, ME. Carlton, William. (March 1939). New England masts and the King's Navy. New England Quarterly. 12(1). pg. 4-18.

Carroll, Charles F. (1973). The timber economy of Puritan New England. Brown University Press, Providence, RI.

Chapman, L. B. (1896). The mast industry of Old Falmouth. Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. Second Series. 7. pg. 390 - 404.

Defebaugh, James Eliot. (1906 - 1907). History of the lumber industry of America. 2 Vols. The American Lumberman, Chicago, IL.

Kyan, John Howard. (1839). An answer to the supplemental chapter in Lord Anson's life (by Sir John Barrow, Bart.) in reference to the preservation of timber for the Navy. Printed for the author by W. H. Cox, 5, GT. Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, London. X.

Malone, Joseph J. (1964). Pine trees and politics: The naval stores and forest policy in colonial New England, 1691-1775. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA.

Manning, S.F. (1979). New England masts and the King's broad arrow. Thomas Murphy, Publisher, Summer Street, Kennebunk, ME.  Revised edition by Tilbury House, Gardiner, ME.

Pike, R.E. (1967). Tall trees, tough men. New York, NY.

Smith, David Clayton. (1971). Lumbering and the Maine woods: A bibliographical guide. Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME.

National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Maine. (date unknown). A catalyst for independence: The mast trade in the Province of Maine. Tate House, Portland, ME.

Thurston, F.G. (1940). Three centuries of Freeport, Maine. Freeport, ME.

Wood, Richard G. (1935). A history of lumbering in Maine, 1820-1861. University Press [of Maine], Orono, ME. Reprinted on April 10, 1961 in The Maine Bulletin, Maine Studies No. 33. IS.