The Davistown Museum
Maine Artists Guild
Template for Artist Bio Page:
Artist Name here

Contact Information
A. Home Phone & Mailing Address
B. Website (if any)
C. E-mail
D. Artist's Gallery or Studio Location: (If Any)
 1. Hours, or Open by Appt.?
 2. Directions

Biographical Sketch of Artist
A. Sketch
B. Bibliography (if any)
C. Information on works in other collections (if any)
D. A photo or two of your favorite creations, to advertise what you do in our website file (jpeg format only)

On-going & 2006 Exhibitions
A. Gallery Contact Info & Link(s)

. Who, where, website
B. Title of Exhibition (if any)
C. Art Card, if any (please send when available)

Work on Display/For Sale at the Davistown Museum
 A. Artwork in the Permanent Collection (Not for Sale - we will list work in the permanent collection in your profile)
 B. Artwork for Sale in the MAG Gallery <photos - a few new selections will really help the museum by creating an interesting M.A.G. Gallery>

Work for Sale on the M.A.G. website gallery
Important note: We solicit a 30% donation for works shown on the M.A.G. Gallery website that WE sell. If you or another gallery sell the artwork, no commission is solicited or requested. We hope the M.A.G. website will help you sell more artwork at your own studio or in galleries which show your work.